Not today. Also if you buy a small spring, as you develop skills, you will find that you are bottoming out. "Bottoming out" is a term used when you over bend the spring and your foot Buy Email Database slams into the foot pad. It's a loud and abrupt thud and it doesn't feel very good. More importantly, you have Buy Email Database reached your limits to height. If you try to go bigger, you will bottom out more and more. After 6 months to a year, you may wish to purchase bigger springs - yes springs only - to try to test your skills on a stronger spring.
The US distributors do sell springs only at affordable prices. But keeping your first spring is valuable, because it will be worn in and easy to use. The big spring will take a lot of effort, and although it will deliver what you want.....having this big spring as your only means is like "sprinting all the time" it's Buy Email Database tough to do ALL the time. Buying the correct size of jumping stilts is important and by doing so you will set yourself up for a better experience. Finally, and this is very important.
The Hong Kong manufacturer has upgraded it's process for creating doing so, the springs are a bit softer than the springs of 2006-2008. Please pay close attention to the weight Buy Email Database categories. We've noticed that a few of the licensees have not made the necessary adjustments in labeling weight categories.