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The surface of silicon is always covered with a layer of silicon dioxide, even if it is just cleaved silicon, at room temperature, as long as it is exposed to air, an oxide film of several atomic layers will be formed on the surface. Sintering of B4C by Pressureless Liquid Phase Sintering When we expose the silicon wafer to a high temperature and oxygen-containing environment for a period of time, the surface of the silicon wafer will grow a layer of silicon dioxide, SiO2, which has good adhesion to silicon and is highly stable chemically and electrically insulating. Vacuum Heat Treatment of Fasteners Because silicon dioxide has such good properties, it is widely used in silicon semiconductor devices. According to different needs, silicon dioxide is used for the protective layer and passivation layer of devices, as well as the isolation of electrical properties, insulating materials and dielectric films of capacitors, etc. Vacuum sintering of transparent ceramics In addition to being prepared by heating silicon wafers, silicon dioxide can also be obtained by various chemical vapor deposition, such as LPCVD and PECVD. The choice of which method to prepare the silicon dioxide layer has a considerable relationship with the manufacturing process of the device.Vacuum sintered powder metallurgy parts