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The heat generating device of the heating mesh belt furnace usually adopts a radiant tube, which consists of a metal outer tube and a built-in squirrel cage structure.Analysis of vacuum heat treatment process for wind power products The composition of the heating element is shown in Figure 1. Depending on the operating temperature, the material used in the radiant tube is also different.Vacuum Hardening Stainless Steel The metal outer tube of the radiant tube of the quenching furnace is made of SUS310S, and the maximum operating temperature can reach 1200°C. Tempering furnace The metal outer tube of the radiant tube is made of SUS304, and the maximum operating temperature can reach 800°C.Sintering of B4C by Pressureless Liquid Phase Sintering The heating element with built-in squirrel-cage structure is composed of metal electric heating elements and corundum insulating ceramic sheets. Metal heating elements are also It is called resistance wire, and its commonly used materials are nickel-chromium alloy wire and iron-chromium-aluminum alloy wire.Vacuum Heat Treatment of Fasteners